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Forensic research projects by the PhD students in the CLHC network are conducted in the institutes and teams of the CLHC partner organizations. This allows for a very diverse and comprehensive forensic scientific portfolio within the CLHC. In this section of the CLHC website all forensic PhD dissertations are listed. By following the link, you are directed to the UvA DARE repository allowing you to access the full dissertation.
Rian Teeuw – The shERlock Study

January 17th, 2018

The shERlock Study

Author: Rian Teeuw
Promotor: prof Rick van Rijn
Link:  Read or download this thesis

Microbial populations and their potential in forensic investigations

April 26th, 2018​

Microbial populations and their potential in forensic investigations

Author: Frederike Quaak
Promotores: prof Ate Kloosterman, Dr Irene Kuiper
Link:  Read or download this thesis

DNA markers for forensic identification of non-human biological traces

April 26th, 2018

DNA Markers for Forensic Identification of Non-Human Biological Traces​

Author: Monique Wesselink 
Promotores: prof Ate Kloosterman, Dr Irene Kuiper
Link:  Read or download this thesis

Ana Causanilles

May 24th, 2018

Wastewater-based epidemiology, an analytical chemical approach for the investigation of human consumption of life style chemicals

Author: Ana Causanilles 
Promotores: prof Pim de Voogt
Link:  Read or download this thesis

Processing Crime Scenes, Psychological influences on forensic inferences

May 28th, 2018

Processing Crime Scenes, Psychological influences on forensic inferences

Author: Claire van den Eeden
Promotores: prof Peter van Coppen, prof Christianne de Poot
Link:  Read or download this thesis


Thekla Vrolijk-Bosschaart – Recognizing child sexual abuse: an unrelenting challenge

October 11th, 2018

Recognizing child sexual abuse: an unrelenting challenge

Author: Thekla Vrolijk-Bosschaart
Promotores: prof Benninga, prof Lindauer
Link:  Read or download this thesis