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We look back on a great and inspiring symposium!

We thank all speakers for their inspiring lectures!

Our congratulations to the poster prize winners:
- Alexandr Stratulat, University of Antwerp for winning the special commendation poster 
- Kendra Adelberg, AMOLF for winning the best CLHC poster

We thank Wybren Jan Buma, Eric Sennema, Gareth Davies and Eveline Vreede for their help and scientific advice all these years!

We also give a special thanks to the Van Ledden Hulsebosch family for all their notes and history of their father and grandfathers. We were proud to handing you over the first copies of 'Forty years of Detective work' during the book presentation. 

Some pics:

Book release 'Forty years of Detective work' :

Keep an eye on our website and newsletter for the date of the CLHC symposium 2025!