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On behalf of the University of Groningen, we invite you for the Joint European Stable Isotope Users Meeting -JESIUM-, which will take place in Groningen, the Netherlands, from June 16-20.

As of now, registration  for the JESIUM conference is open.  The ‘early bird’ deadline for registration is March 7. The deadline for abstract submissionis Sunday, 26 January, 2025.

Topics that will be discussed during the conference sessions are:

  1. Methodological advances
  2. Progress in reference materials
  3. Atmospheric sciences: greenhouse and other tracer gases, air quality and aerosols
  4. Paleoclimatology and Archaeology
  5. Food Authenticity, Forensics, Isoscapes
  6. Biogeochemistry: carbon, nitrogen, sulfur and other cycles
  7. Geosciences and Hydrology
  8. Health, Nutrition, Medical Sciences
  9. Ecology: marine, aquatic and terrestrial

You have to choose the session that fits best to your abstract. More information is available ob the website. Please visit the conference website for more information, to submit your abstract, and to register.

We look forward to welcoming you at the 2025 JESIUM conference!

Please feel free to forward this message to other people who might be interested.

Kind regards,
On behalf of the organising committee,
Prof. Harro A.J. Meijer
Chair of the Centre for Isotope Research
Energy and Sustainability Research Institute Groningen
University of Groningen
The Netherlands